Stylish Coffee Warmer

With the weather cooling outside, I've wanted to start some winter projects. So, last night I hunted through Pinterest for one. I was looking for something that would be quick, easy, and that would satisfy my fall project craving. It's kinda like wanting a cup of hot chocolate, when it's cold outside for the first time in fall. Hot chocolate is quick, easy, and satisfies the cravings one might get when the cold weather comes. After searching for a few minutes, I found exactly what I needed to cure my late night crochet craving.

I came across a cute hot chocolate warmer crochet pattern, made by Bubblegirl. Here is a link to her blog, where you can get the free pattern Mug Cozy Pattern  
Make sure to leave her a comment if you use her pattern! Bloggers love comments!

This pattern is very easy to follow and it takes less than an hour to complete. 

New ISO 6 on IPad Lets You Add Pictures To Esty

So I was playing around in my Esty account on my iPhone tonight, and discovered that I could add photos from my iPhone pictures to my Etsy account.  Just two weeks ago, this was not possible. So the new ISO 6 upgrade for the iPhone, has something to do with it. I'm so excited about adding new Etsy listings now. NO MORE wrist clicking cramps from my mouse! Now I just swiftly touch my way through my new listings.  I even created this new post on Blogger (picture and all), on my iPad with no problems! I may never use my laptop again. Check out the picture below to see a screen shot.

Padded Zipper Pouch

As most of you know, I have sold Thirty-One Gifts for over one year now. I love the Thirty-One Zipper Pouch that sells for $15. I use them for everything and I think I have about five of them. However, I have always wanted one that has padding in it, so I could use it for my Ipad. So after patiently waiting to see what the company would do to accommodate to those who like to use the Zipper Pouch as a Ipad case,  I have given up hope and taken matters into my own hands. I don't think they are ever going to make a padded Ipad case!!! grrrrr!

So I decided to make a padded zipper pouch to use with my Ipad, on my own. And much to my surprise, it turned out pretty good!!!

This is what I did. I really like the way Thirty-One puts the water resistant barrier in theirs to protect the contents inside from getting wet. So wanted to incorporate that into my zipper pouch as well. I used  Heat-n-Bond Iron-On Adhesive. The adhesive has a thick and rubbery finish to it, that creates a water resistant barrier just like the Thirty-One pouch does. I added, by ironing it to the back of my lining. I also added some quilting padding to both sides and a zipper. If anyone wants a detailed pattern, leave me a comment or contact me through my contact page.

Happy Sewing Everyone!!!

Giant Homeschool Room

We recently moved into a new house that allows us to have a full-size homeschool room.  Since the day we move in, I started gathering many ideas from Pinterest and other sources so I could plan the best homeschool room possible. Well, one that at least fits our budget!  I felt it to be important, to keep in mind, that this will be a room that we will make lots of messes in. So, while I wanted it to look fancy, it had to stay very practical. 

I like things a bit old-fashioned from time to time, so I choose to make a huge chalkboard that would be magnetic for our new school room.  I thought about doing a whiteboard, but I don't like how the dry-erase markers smell or how they run out so quickly.  Plus, the cost for an 4x8 white board is so expensive compared to a homemade chalkboard, and the chalkboard looks so much better.

It was quite simple to make the chalkboard. I took a 4x8 piece of birch plywood and lightly sanded it down. Then I dusted it off with a dry towel, and then wiped it with a damp towel (I let all the moisture dry before I went to the next step). I then applied three coats of Rustoleum Magnetic Latex Primer with a foam roller. After the magnetic paint was good and dry, I lightly sanded it with 300 grit sandpaper to get all the bumps out. Then I applied the two coats of the Rustoleum Chalk Board Paint. After the chalkboard paint dried, I found out, it is almost impossible to sand.  I made sure to make smooth long strokes with the foam roller.

I found a little magnetic tin at Walmart that magnets to the chalkboard to store chalk. This is particularly useful, when you want to keep the chalk out of the reach of little ones. I can put it so high on the chalkboard that even my nine-year-old can't reach it. 

I found that, these Magnetic Sheets from Walmart are great to use on the chalkboard. They peel and stick to anything I want to display on the chalkboard. I might cut them into fourths and attach them on some math posters I have.

Ikea! I love Ikea! I could not stay organized without these wonderful bookshelves. When my girls want to do an activity, like watercolor painting, they can find all they need in tote on one of the shelves (ex: table cloth, water jars, paints and paper). I put all the supplies for each activity in a cute tote so it's easy to carry over to the table. It makes for easy clean up too.

Containers of all sorts are always a good idea to keep things organized. I keep sharpened pencils and map colors on the table at all times during our school time. The less they have to get up to sharpen pencils, the more I have their attention!!! The totes came Thirty-One Gifts. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors. I love them because they all have handles. Little hands can carry things better with handles.

I have a special corner in the room for all my craft supplies. My grandmother gave me this beautiful hutch last year, and crazy enough, I found a table to match it on Craiglist. I love lucky finds!!!

I put all my fabric and yarn in the glass door part so it stays clean and dust free. Everything else is organized in plastic boxes and trays for easy transport to the table.


Last but not least, I added some bright colors to the room and some fun doodads. I think it's important to keep the room bright and colorful to promote lots of positive energy for learning. Now that we have  this room with all this light, my kids have stopped complaining about being tired during school time. It must be from all the fresh light in the room!!!

Baby Baby Baby

Carters Monkey Motorcycle Diaper Cake

 I created it myself, but I was inspired by this bloggers DIY tutorial. 
Check her tutorial out at:

Diaper Cake on top of a Basket

I kept this one simple, since I did not have much time to create for this event. I used two receiving blankets, 3inch ribbon from Walmart, 1inch ribbon (black&white) from Walmart, one wooden letter "T" painted black from Hobby Lobby, about 50 diapers, and a bunch of rubber bands.

I'm Becoming a Thirty-One Gifts Consultant in August

I'm Becoming a Thirty-One Gifts Consultant in August. I'm currently on the waiting list and will be receiving my invitation to join letter in August. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!! I already have two parties booked, the first two people said yes they would love to host a party.

Contact me at 
if you would like to host a party or become a consultant. 
Or if you would like some more info on what the company is about.

New York

My Girls had a blast learning first hand about the Statue of Liberty. However, I think they might have enjoyed the squirrels and the pigeons just a little more. One squirrel came over to Alyssa and sat right at her feet while putting his little hands up in the air for food. That little creature had captured our whole families attention. So the joke is, "even the squirrels know how to preform for a little bite to eat."

New York at Sun Down